Have had a lovely birthday weekend complete with 3 dozen cupcakes, whiskey and cider, and so many wonderful friends and family. I should have some of those pictures up soon. Until then here is a splendid photo of a woman we can all admire, Charlotte Gainsbourg. Have a beautiful Sunday!
I am busy making decorations and plans for my birthday celebration this Friday. My lovely sister Sarah is making an array of yummy cupcakes and I am making decorations. I am making brown, tan, and white tissue paper flowers to hang all above the kitchen table. I have seen several variations on these and they are super easy to make. You can use any thing from tissue to newspaper, even fabric or coffee filters! There is a pretty good tutorial here on Martha Stewart. I will get some pics once they are up and let you know how they came out.
I cannot even explain how elated I am for the upcoming Inauguration of President Barack H. Obama. I am afraid I will cry in front of my students at work. Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everyone!
image via memories and dreams etsy shop.
I hope you all had a lovely and splendid New Years Eve and first day to 2009. I decided not to attempt any resolutions, as they never seem to really pan out. I am crossing my fingers that a certain someone in my life will be able to once and for all kick the ciggy habit. Other than trying to get myself mentally and emotionally prepared for going back to teaching (is summer close?); I have been loving almost every single thing on Kat Heyes' flicker account. Her illustrations are to die for and she does some exquisite things with the camera as well. Unfortunately I cannot seem to get most of her work to copy and paste (smart lady), but be sure to check her out here, you won't be disappointed.