
holiday hangover

Bad blogger! The five day weekend I had last week took me way longer than expected to recover from. But now I am back into the swing of things at work, the house is clean, things are settled, and I can get myself back here. Not a great excuse, I know, but sometimes you have to prioritize. Thanksgiving was wonderful, many friends and family and a plethora of delicious food. Here are a few of the shots.

The bird (that certainly looked great).

The spread.

The dessert (delicious pumpkin cookies that I made from this recipe).

And I got some good news tonight, apparently my handmade loot is selling well up at the local jewelry/gift shop I have it at. That is incredibly exciting as this is my first venture into what I hope will be a bigger adventure. Here is a sneak peak until I get some better photos of all of my goods::

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